The 2nd International Conference On Languages and Arts across Cultures
March 5, 2024
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March 5, 2024The 2022 Language and Arts Faculty Webinar took place, on September 11, 2022, which was held online via the Zoom Meeting Platform and YouTube Live Streaming.

This year the webinar activities are divided into four themes, namely:
-Webinar on Defending the Nation with the theme “Defending the Nation and Actualizing Pancasila as Provisions for the Millennial Generation in the 4.0 Era” by Dr. I Putu Windu Mertha Sujana, S.Pd., M.Pd.
-Webinar on the Anti-Corruption Movement with the theme “Creating a Progressive Indonesia Without Corruption” by Ketut Putu Oki Murjana
-Webinar on the Anti-Drug Abuse Movement with the theme “Creating Shining Millennials (Clean from Drugs)” by I Gede Astawa, S.H., M.H.
-Webinar on the Movement to Prevent Sexual Violence and Bullying with the theme “Unitedly Against Bullying and Sexual Violence” by Dr. Putu Ari Dharmayanti, S.Pd., M.Pd.
Participants in the 2022 Faculty of Languages ??and Arts Webinar series are students of the Faculty of Languages ??and Arts semesters 1, 3, 5, and 7.
This webinar activity was opened by the Dean, who said that the role of the young generation is very important. Therefore, we as part of the young generation should broaden our horizons to defend our country, Indonesia, especially from threats such as bullying and harassment, drugs, corruption, and even threats that come from outside. The organizing committee (BEMFBS) stated that the aim of choosing these 4 themes was so that today’s young generation, which has developed along with technology, can know and still have a spirit of nationalism, reject and avoid corruption, not abuse drugs, and not commit sexual violence or bullying. The webinar was then filled with inspiring and accomplished presenters. The 2022 FBS Webinar activities then ended with a closing by the Deputy Dean III. He also conveyed a message that students who take part in the webinar should not just take part, but it is hoped that from this webinar, all students, especially those in the Faculty of Languages ??and Arts, can become part of the young generation who are fighting to build the nation and state.
Hopefully, this 2022 Faculty of Languages ??and Arts Webinar activity can increase your insight and knowledge(FBS)