Undiksha Foreign Language HMJ Webinar: Tips for Maintaining Mental Health during the Pandemic

Supporting Competitiveness, BEM FBS Undiksha Strengthens Character Education
March 7, 2024
Support Undiksha as IRUEL, Faculty of Languages ??and Arts Strengthens the Spiritual and Emotional Intelligence of Education Personnel
March 7, 2024
Supporting Competitiveness, BEM FBS Undiksha Strengthens Character Education
March 7, 2024
Support Undiksha as IRUEL, Faculty of Languages ??and Arts Strengthens the Spiritual and Emotional Intelligence of Education Personnel
March 7, 2024

Singaraja- The presence of the COVID-19 pandemic has triggered changes in the order of people’s lives, such as education and the economy. Conditions that last long enough have the potential to cause mental health problems. This has become the concern of the Student Association of the Foreign Language Department, Faculty of Languages ??and Arts, Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha (FBS-Undiksha). This student organization provides space to share knowledge about strategies or tips for maintaining mental health through webinars, on Saturday (18/9/2021).

There were two speakers presented in this webinar with participants from the Foreign Language Department. Luh Putu Yuli Surya Dewi, S.Psi., as Counseling for the Integrated Service Center for Women’s Empowerment and Child Protection (P2TP2A) Buleleng Regency and Kadek Dwi Chandra Oktariana as Deputy I of Bajang Bali and Bajang Bali Best in Speech 2021. Chair of the Committee, Ni Kadek Priska Ayu Widyawati explained that this activity is a form of community service which is part of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education. “This webinar is filled with material about stress management and tips for improving self-quality during the pandemic. “This is important for students,” she explained.

This activity was opened by the Dean of FBS Undiksha, Prof. Dr. I Made Sutama, M.Pd. He said that mental health cannot be separated from physical health or vice versa. “This means that if our mind or mentality is healthy, our physical body will be helped to become healthier,” he said. However, the problem is that in the future, as challenges become more complex, whether they come from the personal or economic environment, including the recent pandemic, the potential for mental health disorders to emerge is greater. “The pandemic has indeed disturbed many people’s mental health, making many people anxious and afraid of being exposed. Then the pandemic changed our way of life, including students who changed their way of studying. Previously there was another exciting side to being able to come to campus, but now that can’t be done. “So our challenges for mental health will be even greater in the future,” he said, accompanied by the Head of the Foreign Language Department, Dr. Ni Luh Putu Eka Sulistia Dewi, S.Pd., M.Pd.

Based on this, according to him, this webinar is very appropriate to carry out. “This is where I see the importance of this webinar and at the same time I appreciate the committee, HMJ Foreign Languages, ??and the management of the Foreign Languages ??Department who have chosen a very contextual theme, which is very relevant to what we are experiencing now,” he added.

In the material presentation session, resource person Yuli Surya Dewi presented the material “Improving Personal Quality through Stress Management during the Pandemic”. He also stated that the presence of the pandemic had triggered stress in society. There are several efforts to manage stress, namely try to stay at home. Take a break and stay away from negative news about COVID-19, maintain your health with a balanced diet and exercise, take time to relax and try to do activities you like, connect with other people, contact a counselor if there is prolonged stress, and do not forget to always pray.

Meanwhile, resource person Dwi Chandra Oktariana presented the material “Tips for Students to Improve Their Quality during the Pandemic”. She said the pandemic had created a new situation in student life, especially in lectures. “In this pandemic, we have changed a lot. “Almost all sectors of life,” she said. However, according to him, efforts to improve self-quality remain a must, especially for students. “We have to adapt if we want to survive. Previously we studied face to face, now we have to study online, and we have to adapt. “We have to learn how to use media platforms for learning, how to interact so that we can still feel the feeling even if we just look at the monitor,” she said. Apart from that, students can use their free time with positive activities, according to their interests and talents.