March 5, 2024
Virtual Laboratory and Digital Learning (VLDL) Lab Assistant Internship Ends – FBS Dean Releases VLDL Assistants
March 5, 2024Virtual Lab and Digital Learning (VLDL) is something that has just been launched at FBS, to achieve Tri Darma quality. The figure behind this innovation is the Head of the FBS Laboratory, Made Hery Santosa, Ph.D.
Recently, the Faculty of Language and Arts (FBS) Laboratory launched a platform called Virtual Lab and Digital Learning (VLDL). This is a laboratory at FBS, Ganesha University of Education which is tasked with supporting the implementation of Education, Research, and Community Service activities in the fields of Language and Arts. Specifically, VLDL designs manages, and organizes physical and digital laboratories, spaces, and studios to support education, research, and community service activities, both offline and online. The simple VLDL video profile can be watched at the linkhttps://fbs.undiksha.ac.id/vldl-video_profile/ This.
As an initial step to support VLDL performance, Open Recruitment for Research & Innovation Project Assistants was launched. Open Recruitment aims to invite institutional collaboration with students within the FBS environment in a 3-month certified internship scheme. There are 5 Project positions open, namely (1) Research Assistants, (2) Innovation Resources Assistants, (3) Educational Resources Assistants, (4) Podcast Creator, and (5) Newsletter Creator. Each Project Assistant has different tasks that mutually support VLDL performance, especially as a forum for supporting learning in all study programs within the scope of FBS in the era of Industrial Revolution 4.0 which is heavily assisted by artificial intelligence. This Open Recruitment calls for FBS students to learn, collaborate, hone 21st-century skills, and increase students’ work experience to prepare for future careers.