Increase Graduate Absorption: LPK Fuji Academy Bali Ready to Facilitate Graduates to Work in Japan
March 4, 2024
March 4, 2024DEAN’S FOREWORD
Along with efforts to improve qualityoutput and outcomes Within the Faculty of Languages ??and Arts (FBS) at Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha (Undiksha), various improvements continue to be made. One of the improvements that is quite progressive is in the field of facilities and infrastructure, especially laboratory improvements. This is very important to do because it is realized that the existence of a laboratory is vital in supporting the success of the learning process.
Responding to rapid technological developments, the improvements made are not limited to physical things but extend to virtual things. Under the leadership of Made Hery Santosa, Ph.D., the program Virtual Laboratory and Digital Learning, or what is abbreviated as VLDL has been developed in laboratories within the scope of FBS. In its development, a research and innovation assistance program in a certified internship scheme was implemented. In this program, students are invited to take part in the selection to become assistants in VLDL development. Those who pass the selection are then grouped into several divisions to be tasked with assisting in the development of VLDL for three months from the time it is established.
After they have carried out their duties for three months, evaluation and reflection are carried out. The result is that FBS Undiksha not only has VLDL but also the process of self-development of students who become assistants. This was known from their presentation at the closing ceremony of the first batch of the assistance program.
The good practices are then written down and recorded in the hope that they can be shared with other parties to achieve mutual progress. Of course, as Dean of FBS Undiksha, I welcome the publication of this book. We hope that this book can inspire laboratory development that is in line with developments in information technology today and the future.
Dean of FBS Undiksha
Prof. Dr. I Made Sutama, M.Pd.
*Note: This book has been published and received an ISBN. For further information, please contactvldl@undiksha.ac.id. Thank You.