37 years of service, Drs. I Wayan Wendra, M.Pd. keep working
March 5, 2024FBS Undiksha released Prof. Dr. Dewa Komang Tantra, M.Sc who entered retirement, Monday (28/4/2022), after serving for 41 years. The event was combined with an academic seminar which was attended by all elements of the dean’s leadership, lecturers, education staff, and students within the FBS environment. Dean of FBS Prof. Made Sutama, M.Pd. in his speech said that the position of professor is the pearl of an academic position for a lecturer.
Furthermore, the Dean of FBS said that Prof Dewa Komang was a firm and disciplined figure. “He is a person who is very disciplined in teaching. “Even though he lives in Denpasar, if he teaches A hours, he is already on campus,” he said.
Prof. Dewa said that FBS had become his second home, and it was hard to leave it. “Thankfully, I am still allowed to teach several courses,” he said firmly.
The academic seminar had the theme “Non Violent C0mmunicatian and Leadership” with guest speaker Luh Ketut Ayu Puspita Dwi, an alumnus of the English Language Study Program, now the owner of Bali Interpreting. In his presentation, he said that non-violent communication and leadership emphasize three aspects, namely: (1) empathy for oneself and empathy for others, (2) providing space for consolidation, and (3) conflict resolution.
As is known, Prof Dewa Komang Tantra, M.Sc. is a lecturer born in Kelungkung in 1952. He was inaugurated as the 25th professor in 2015.