Balinese Language Month 2024; FBS Realizes Downstream Village Development
March 4, 2024
Strengthening Collaboration, FKIP Khairun University Ternate Visits FBS, Undiksha
March 4, 2024“We will never know goodbye without starting with a meeting, we will not know what it feels like to be happy without finding sadness, there will be no end without a beginning, everything is in pairs,” was the opening sentence uttered by the presenter at today’s retirement activity. March 2024 will be a month full of memories. The reason is, this month the Faculty of Languages ??and Arts (FBS) at Ganesha Education University (Undiksha) released two education staff who had entered retirement, namely Made Mertayasa, S.Pd., and Dra. Ni Gusti Ketut Retty Retno Wulan, on Friday (1/03/2024). The release which was held in the FBS Nitisastra room was attended by the Dean’s Leadership, Department Leaders, Study Program Coordinators, Lecturers, and all Educational Staff (tendik) within FBS Undiksha. So it was special, this time’s release was also attended by educational staff who this year had been transferred to new areas of work.
“This release is a form of gratitude because the staff who have retired can complete their duties formally at Undiksha. It is not certain that all of them can complete their tasks according to the specified age period for various reasons. For example, some are called first by the Almighty before their term as a civil servant is finished. “We all hope for retirement as experienced by Mr. Made Mertayasa and Mrs. Retno,” said Drs. I Gede Nurjaya, M.Pd., Dean of FBS in his betel nut. Nurjaya expressed his gratitude for the contribution of the two staff who will be retiring, and who have carried out their duties well so far. Made Mertayasa in his message and impressions shared his experiences from point zero to achieving success in his career at Undiksha. He invited all active staff to continue learning to improve their competence in building a more advanced Undiksha. Then the active staff responded with thanks for all their dedication and willingness to become mentors for other staff in their work so far.
It is hoped that events like this will continue to be held as a form of appreciation and gratitude to the staff dedicated to carrying out their duties. The event closed with the presentation of mementos, taking photos, and having lunch together. (Join FBS)