March 4, 2024
Introducing Balinese Language and Culture on the International Stage – FBS Undiksha Takes Part in Implementing the 2023 International Summer School
March 4, 2024Singaraja- Ganesha Education University (Undiksha) again became the overall champion in the 2023 Indonesian Regional Language and Literature Student Association (IMBASADI) 2023 Nusantara Workshop series competition with the implementation of the Javanese Language and Literature Education Study Program, Semarang State University. In the event which took place from 29 May to 1 June 2023, the Undiksha contingent who were students of the Balinese Language Education Study Program, Department of Indonesian and Regional Language Literature, Faculty of Languages ??and Arts, succeeded in becoming champions in six competition fields.
The achievement achieved was second place in the National Scientific Writing Competition with participants consisting of Ni Komang Juni Anti and Ni Luh Listya Purnami, favorite winner in the typography competition which was attended by Ida Ayu Made Yulia Rastuti, first winner and favorite winner in the traditional documentary video competition which followed by I Made Joniarta, Ni Komang Juni Anti, Desak Made Dian Widianingsih, and Ni Luh Listya Purnami, first winner and favorite winner of the traditional poster competition which was participated by I Made Joniarta.
Apart from this competition, achievements were also presented through the Regional Pop Song Cover Competition. Desak Made Dian Widianingsih took part in this competition and succeeded in winning first place. In the Imbasadi Boys and Girls Selection event, Luh Putu Dian Tristyanti won second runner-up in the Imbasadi girls category and Ketut Teguh Virgiawan won first runner-up in the Imbasadi boys category.
The contingent coordinator, Desak Made Dian Widianingsih, said that it would take around a month to prepare for this annual event. “We also have to prepare a performance stage which will present a musical drama for each university’s performance during the opening ceremony,” he said, on Tuesday (6/6/2023). Regarding the achievements achieved, he and the other participants admitted that they were very proud and at the same time, it was a motivation to continue to improve their quality. “Of course, this achievement cannot be separated from the support of study programs, departments, faculties and universities,” he added.
Deputy Chancellor for Student Affairs, Public Relations, and Alumni Undiksha, Prof. Dr. I Wayan Suastra, M.Pd, who represented the Chancellor, expressed his appreciation for this achievement. “We are very proud that Undiksha, represented by Balinese Language Education Study Program students, has once again succeeded in winning the overall championship,” he said.
It was further stated that this achievement also contributed to the Undiksha Student Ranking Management System (Simkatmawa) at the national level. “This achievement is also important for students. This can be used to complement academic achievements. “We hope that Undiksha students will be more enthusiastic about taking part in competitions and will be able to excel,” he concluded.
Apart from 2023, at the 2021 IMBASADI VIII Archipelago Workshop held by the Batak Literature Study Program, the Faculty of Cultural Sciences, University of North Sumatra, Undiksha also succeeded in becoming the overall champion. (hms)