Undiksha Students Pass the IISVOMA Program
March 5, 2024
March 6, 2024Singaraja- National-level achievements were again achieved by Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha (Undiksha) students. This time it came from the Indonesian Student Science Competition (KSPI) which took place in Medan, North Sumatra on July 17, 2022. This achievement was achieved by Athanasia Gusanto from the English Language Education Study Program (S1) who succeeded in bringing home gold and bronze medals.
There is an interesting and inspiring story from this student from Jakarta. In preparing to take part in the Olympics, he was not only concerned with college matters. More than that, we also remain enthusiastic about running private tutoring services. This path was taken not without reason. He must continue to help his parents who experience economic limitations. His busy life did not discourage him from appearing in the Olympics. What exists is motivation to show the best results. “Participants in this event are from PTN/PTS throughout Indonesia. “I managed to win gold and bronze medals,” he said.
His success in achieving this brilliant achievement is certainly the result of the thorough preparation he has made and the role of his supervisor, Dr. Kadek Wirahyuni ??S.Pd, M.Pd. “Of course I am proud and very grateful, considering that I was able to immediately win two medals at the university level,” he said.
The interest of this student who now lives in Singaraja City in participating in the Olympics has grown since childhood. For him, the Olympics is a competition that can be a driving force to continue improving one’s quality. “The Olympics always make me anxious,” he added.
Deputy Chancellor for Student Affairs, Public Relations, and Alumni Undiksha, Prof. Dr. I Wayan Suastra, M.Pd., expressed his appreciation for this achievement. “We at the leadership are very proud of the achievements achieved by the students. “We appreciate it,” he said. He hopes that in the future more Undiksha students will be able to make achievements, both at national and international levels. Achievement is very important to increase the competitiveness of students and universities. (FBS)