Preparing for an Internship Program to Japan, Kowa Corporation Explores FBS Undiksha
March 4, 2024
March 4, 2024MGMP is a forum that facilitates all teachers in certain fields of study in planning and carrying out joint activities to support the implementation of learning in schools. In this case, the Indonesian Language MGMP throughout Buleleng Regency held a discussion forum that took place in the Nitisastra FBS Undiksha room which produced new MGMP administrators which were carried out through deliberation and consensus. The activity which took place on February 11, 2023, was attended by several Indonesian language subject teachers from Buleleng Regency. Also invited to this activity was Prof. Dr. I Made Sutama, M.Pd. as Dean of the Undiksha Faculty of Languages ??and Arts, and Dr. I Wayan Artika, M.Hum., as Chair of the Department of Indonesian and Regional Language and Literature.
In his speech, the Dean from Ubud felt proud of the Indonesian Language Teachers who have worked hard in developing and implementing Indonesian language learning so that it is known as a National Language which must continue to be preserved. The importance of Indonesian language subjects is evident from the number of hours taught in high school, which reaches 4 hours. This means that Indonesian has more positions and space to increase students’ scientific capacity in the field of Indonesian. Sutama further conveyed that in the future MGMP and FBS Undiksha could collaborate in addition to the collaboration already carried out by the University and the Bali Provincial Government.
In line with Sutama, Artika also added that this collaboration is important considering that the role of teachers is very necessary in supporting learning and central activities which are often donated to departments. As an example of PPG, the support and role of Pamong Teachers is very necessary in providing input to students in the process of preparing equipment and PPL. Apart from that, the involvement of alumni and teachers is also no less important in developing and perfecting the curriculum. Dra. Ni Wayan Sumiasih as the elected chair of MGMP expressed her gratitude for the support and cooperation that has been carried out so that MGMP becomes better and becomes a forum for increasing teacher productivity in achieving learning goals in schools. (FBS)