March 5, 2024
Reflection and Evaluation of FBS Undiksha Education Personnel
March 5, 2024It turns out, that the implementation of MBKM depends on the lecturers too! On the steps, this “cool” MBKM becomes a real experience for students. Of courseanywayThere are various MBKM programs on a national scale and across institutions. However, there are still many opportunities for MBKM that can form a new perspective in students regarding how to study on campus. And, this can be done by every lecturer. MBKM is the “spirit” of college.
For example, a lecturer in the Indonesian Language and Literature Education Study Program, who has just received a title cumlaude, Dr. Ni Kadek Wirahyuni, S.Pd., M.Pd. aiming for an MBKM opportunity in the broadcasting course he teaches. So, students not only “swim” in class, but are invited to study at companies that run broadcasting businesses in Singaraja City: RRI Singaraja and PT Radio La Barong.
Pastchat which was sent to Medkom-FBS, a lecturer with passion strong in various branches of this art, said that this one-subject scale MBKM program was welcomed by RRI Singaraja and PT Radio La Barong. It seems that MBKM is not only welcomed by universities but also by the business world. [Article]