Explore Les Villages – FBS Implements Development of Coached Villages
March 4, 2024
International Guest Lecture: Studying and Working in Australia to Cross-Cultural Exchange and Communication
March 4, 2024LPK (Job Training Institute) Fuji Academy Bali visited the Faculty of Language and Arts, Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha on Thursday, February 22, 2024. This visit was a form of realization of cooperation between the two parties. LPK Fuji Academy Bali was represented by Taruma Akihiro (Head of Fuji Academy Bali Branch), Ni Luh Eka Budi Yulianti (Director of Fuji Academy Indonesia), Ni Kadek Dwi Wulan Dari (Head of LPK Fuji Academy Singaraja), and Ida Bagus Ambara Putra (Marketing Fuji Academy Singaraja). The event entitled “Socialization of Career Opportunities at LPK and in Japan” which was held in the Jayaprana room was also attended by the Head of the Foreign Language Department, Dr. Ni Putu Era Marsakawati, S.Pd., M.Pd., Japanese Language Education Study Program Coordinator, Dr. Kadek Eva Krishna Adnyani, S.S., M.Sc., Secretary of the FBS Cooperation Unit, Dr. Ni wayan Surya Mahayanti, S.Pd., M.Pd., lecturer at the Japanese Language Education Study Program, and student at the Japanese Language Education Study Program.
Ida Bagus Ambara Putra, as marketing for Fuji Academy Singaraja, acted as a resource person in the outreach. Ambara said that currently, Japan needs a lot of foreign workers, and this can certainly increase the opportunities for graduates of the Japanese Language Education Study Program to have a career in Japan. Even though they do not have a background in the health sector, LPK Fuji Academy Bali will facilitate graduates of the Japanese Language Education Study Program with training in hospitals until they obtain a certificate as one of the requirements for working in Japan. Apart from that, LPK Fuji Academy Bali also opens up opportunities to work as a Japanese language instructor at LPK Fuji Academy.
According to the Head of the Foreign Language Department, Dr. Ni Putu Era Marsakawati, S.Pd., M.Pd., a graduate of the Japanese Language Study Program has a great opportunity to work in Japan by taking advantage of training provided by LPK Fuji Academy Bali. It was also emphasized that with the knowledge gained while studying at the Japanese Language Study Program, graduates of this study program can work at LPK as instructors, in addition to being tokutei ginou (foreign workers with special skills) in Japan. A visit from LPK Fuji Academy Bali showed that graduates of the Japanese Language Education Study Program have very broad job opportunities, both as Japanese language instructors in Indonesia, as well as as health workers and other experts in Japan.