Bali Province Language Ambassador Event, FBS Undiksha Students Won Two Champions
March 7, 2024
Supporting Undiksha as IRUEL, FBS Boosts Tendik’s Foreign Language Skills
March 7, 2024Singaraja- Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha (Undiksha) became the overall champion in the 2021 Indonesian Regional Language and Literature Student Association (IMBASADI) 2021 Nusantara Workshop series competition with students from the Batak Literature Study Program, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, University of North Sumatra. This achievement came after the delegation, who were students of the Balinese Language Education Study Program, Department of Indonesian and Regional Languages, Faculty of Languages ??and Arts, succeeded in becoming champions in seven areas of the competition.
The achievement achieved was first place in the scientific poster competition with delegate Luh Putu Juni Ari Setia Dewi. First place in the cultural documentary video competition with delegates Made Danuarta, Putu Ayu Evanti Andriani, Ni Putu Nevi Cahyana Dewi, Ketut Yudi Dharma Saputra, Putu Dani Arya Saputra, Luh Putu Juni Ari Setia Dewi, Putu Putri Maharani, Ni Ketut Ayu Nita Trisnayanti, Ida Bagus Mas Abdi Putra, Putu Suwidnyana, and Ni Wayan Dewinta Tirta Sintyawati. This team also won first place in the Indonesian drama competition.
First place in the scientific work competition with delegate Ida Bagus Mas Abdi Putra. Apart from that, there was also the first place in the 2021 IMBASADI male and female talented champion event with delegates Ketut Yudi Darma Saputra and Ni Ketut Ayu Nita Trisnayanti. First place for IMBASADI women in 2021 with delegate Ni Ketut Ayu Nita Trisnayanti. There was also the winner of the IMBASADI men’s oration video with the delegation Ketut Yudi Darma Saputra. Second place in the Indonesian Dance Competition with delegates Putu Ayu Evanti Andriani, Ni Putu Nevi Cahyana Dewi, and Putu Putri Maharani. The final achievement was achieved through a poetry musicalization competition. The delegation consisting of Made Danuarta, Ketut Yudi Darma Saputra, Putu Dani Arya Saputra, Ni Luh Putu Juni Ari Setia Dewi, Ni Wayan Dewinta Tirta Sintyawati, and Gede Agus Suyasa succeeded in winning third place.
The delegate, Ida Bagus Mas Abdi Putra, explained that this competition was held online. The delegates submitted their works and were then assessed by the judges. Especially for him and other delegates, it took around two months to prepare the best work. This work was ultimately able to achieve a proud achievement which was announced on June 6, 2021. “Of course, this achievement makes us happy. “Undiksha is capable of becoming the overall champion,” he said, Monday (7/6/2021).
His participation in this year’s event increased his confidence that regional languages ??as a part of culture will never fade, even though most people view them as just ordinary local content. “But based on this event, we learned a lot. “One of them is that culture can compete in any field,” he said. This fourth-semester student hopes that this event can increase the younger generation’s awareness and responsibility in maintaining culture, especially regional languages.
Head of the Department of Indonesian and Regional Languages, Literature, Dr. I Wayan Artika, S.Pd., M.Hum., also admitted that he was very proud of this achievement and hoped that he could survive in the next event. “Of course, this is an extraordinary achievement. “We in the department appreciate it,” he said. Efforts continue to be made to improve achievements, including in other events. The strategy is that the department will map students’ potential so that their chances of becoming champions are greater. “The department also continues to optimize communication and explain how important competition is to increase the prestige of the institution. “Then we also utilize student organizations and the role of supervisors to the maximum,” he explained.
This academic, who is also active in literacy activities, emphasized that student participation in competitions is very important. This event can be used as a medium for testing abilities or talents, as well as gaining experience. “It was from the trials that we developed and realized together. So our efforts are to raise the spirit to achieve, to test ourselves in the national and international competition arena is one of the important things. “Therefore, the department always encourages students to be proactive in taking part in competitions,” he stressed.
Vice Chancellor Prof. Suastra expressed appreciation for this achievement. “This is an honor, because, in the Covid-19 pandemic, Undiksha students are still enthusiastic about achieving,” he said. It was further stated that this achievement is not only important for increasing the competitiveness of students, but also for universities, both at national and international levels. “Higher education clustering cannot be separated from student achievement. “Of course, we appreciate this achievement,” he said.
Undiksha is very focused on improving student achievement. Participation in the competition is strictly selected. It is hoped that this will always be supported by the entire academic community. “Coaching and mentoring continue to be maximized. “That is Undiksha’s effort to continue to improve achievements,” he stressed. (hms)