HMJ BA Organizational Skills Workshop 2022/2023

March 5, 2024
United Day Foreign Language Student Association 2022
March 5, 2024
March 5, 2024
United Day Foreign Language Student Association 2022
March 5, 2024

On Friday, May 20, an organizational skills workshop was held at the lower campus of the Faculty of Languages ??and Arts, Ganesha Education University. This organizational skills workshop itself is one of the work programs in field one of HMJ BA, namely education and reasoning. The general description of this workshop is a discussion or practical work on a certain topic where a group of people share their knowledge or experience. Meanwhile, the definition of organizational skills is the ability that help someone use time, resources, and energy efficiently to complete tasks. By mastering this ability, a person can prioritize and plan what needs to be done to complete the job. Having strong organizational skills will make it easy for a person to coordinate and communicate with other people within the organization, this will enable the person to complete tasks and run the organization well, which will later benefit themselves and other people in the organization. So, it can be concluded that this organizational skills workshop aims to hone and improve students’ organizational skills. The benefit of holding this workshop is that apart from improving organizational skills, this organizational skills workshop will indirectly expand relations between students and open students’ minds by communicating more and sharing knowledge. It is hoped that holding this workshop will be able to improve the quality of students at Ganesha University of Education in organizing in the future.                   

Putu Yogi Sugi Pradana, chairman of the committee for the organizational skills workshop, explained that in this workshop activity, he carried the theme “Form the spirit of LESM: (Leadership, Entrepreneurship, and Social Movement) to become a great leader”. being good and wise basically must have a basic soul, namely a leadership spirit, and an entrepreneurial spirit, and don’t forget that as students we have a function as agents of change, therefore the last soul is a social driving spirit. Yogi himself also gave his message about this workshop. “My message regarding the implementation of this workshop is that this year’s workshop has run smoothly but perhaps the next workshop activities can involve general students as well because this activity is very useful for us joining the organization and so this activity also has more impact on students outside of HMJ Foreign Languages ??functionaries.” Yogi explained when interviewed. Finally, Yogi also added his hopes for the organizational skills workshop that had been held. “My hope for this workshop is that participants from this year’s workshop can gain more knowledge in organizing, both in terms of committees, structure and organizational skills. “And hopefully the next workshop will be more inspiring for all students, especially in the foreign language department,” Yogi said at the end of the interview.                                                            

Furthermore, the impression and message from I Wayan Adi Suastawan the coordinator of field 1 who held the 2022 Organizational Skills Workshop said that this year’s workshop was quite tiring because this workshop is usually held for two days but this year it was only held for 1 full day from morning to evening because Vice Chancellor 2 does not allow activities to be carried out on holidays or Saturdays and Sundays. Apart from being tiring, it was also fun because Adi was not only the field coordinator but Adi was also trusted to be the speaker and moderator in this year’s workshop. Of course, getting all three roles in one activity is a challenge in itself for Adi, especially in terms of managing time, thoughts, and energy. Adi advised that for the next workshop, it is hoped that all HMJBA functionaries will be able to take part in the workshop in a more conducive manner and increase their enthusiasm so that the presenter does not let the presenter explain in front of others who are busy paying attention. smartphone. So Adi hopes for more respect from the person speaking in front.                                                                   

  Adi also explained that the difference between last year’s workshop and this year’s workshop could be seen from the time it was held and the amount of material. Last year it was held for 2 days on Saturday and Sunday with 20 materials each, 10 per day but this year it was held for 1 full day and immediately presented all the material. Furthermore, another difference is the update of the material raised. Last year there was no material regarding committee chairs and relationships within the organization but this year Adi has planned novelty or give novelty social material in the organization in the form of sharing sessions and material for the chairman of the committee. The reason for adding social material to the organization is that we realize that the organization consists of many people with different mindsets. By being given this social material, problems often occur, such as circle-in-circle, discrimination, and members who never appear in activities can be minimized. Then the reason for adding material for the committee chairman is that it is hoped that the selected committee chairman will be able to know all his duties well without having to ask too many questions.