Prof. Lasmawan at the FBS Undiksha Workshop: Quality Work, Environmental Fruits and Self-Awareness
March 13, 2024
Strengthening the Sense of Family and Togetherness, FBS Holds Ngayah at Bukit Sinunggal Temple
March 13, 2024Singaraja- Workshop strengthening spiritual and emotional intelligence to support Undiksha as an International Reputable University in Education and Leadership (IRUEL) which was held by the Faculty of Languages ??and Arts (FBS), Saturday (23/10/2021), one of which presented to the Chancellor of Undiksha, Prof. Dr. I Nyoman Jampel, M.Pd., as resource person. He presented material about strategic steps to realize Undiksha as IRUEL.
In his presentation, the launch of IRUEL is an effort to accelerate the realization of Undiksha’s vision of “Becoming a Superior University Based on the Tri Hita Karana Philosophy in Asia by 2045”. In this case, the important role is not only teaching staff or lecturers but also educational staff. Therefore, educational staff are asked to be confident that their presence can make Undiksha bigger and better. “Don’t feel smaller. “We must feel that Undiksha can be on an equal footing with the others,” he said.
Another thing that must be considered and interpreted by the academic community, especially educational staff, to make Undiksha an IRUEL is to always maintain togetherness and harmony. The reason is, that this has been able to lead Undiksha to take part at the national level with various proud achievements. “Without togetherness and harmony, I am sure that our goal of leading Undiksha to become a superior university will not be realized. “Therefore, I invite Undiksha stakeholders, including lecturers, staff, students, cleaners, and security guards, to play a good role in helping Undiksha become IRUEL,” he added.
Furthermore, the chancellor from Nusa Dua, Badung Regency said that there were several priority programs formulated to realize Undiksha as IRUEL. This program is related to accelerating the achievement of Main Performance Indicators (IKU) for higher education, increasing student performance rankings, increasing the number of superior accredited study programs, strengthening the implementation of the Higher Education Tri Dharma which is supported by strengthening collaboration with universities or other parties, increasing the absorption of graduates and entrepreneurship. students, increasing the quantity and quality of student involvement in Merdeka Belajar activities and maximizing the implementation of international programs. (hms)