Disbandment of FBS Contingent Athletes and Artists; Make the Anniversary an Event for Competition Based on the Intention of Joy
March 4, 2024Carrying the theme “Exposition”, the Department of Art and Design Holds an Art Exhibition
March 4, 2024Singaraja, FBS – Amid quite strong winds, the release of athletes and artists from the Faculty of Languages ??and Arts was held in celebration of the XXth Anniversary of the Universitas Pendidikan Ganeshaat Wantilan Teruna Jaya FBS. A total of 225 committees were prepared to prepare for the competition in the context of Undiksha’s Anniversary.

Attended by the Dean and Deputy Deans of FBS, Head of Department and Secretary of Department, Functional Analysts of Young and Intermediate Experts, Coordinator of Study Programs, Head of HMJ, Head of BEM, Men and Women of FBS in 2022, Student Advisors, athletes and artists, as well as the anniversary committee natalist in the FBS environment.