Strengthening the Sense of Family and Togetherness, FBS Holds Ngayah at Bukit Sinunggal Temple
March 13, 2024
In Rinai’s “Harmony Celebration” Towards FBS Achievement
March 13, 2024Singaraja, FBS – “Ngopi Together” is one of the discussion topics from faculty leaders to conduct internal campus discussions regarding future campus development. The Coffee Together Program has currently been running since September 2023. The topics discussed in this 5th Coffee Together program include; creating a profile of the target village in Tejakula Village, preparing to fulfill AQAS supporting data from the Balinese Language Education Study Program, and discussing the development of national accreditation.
This Assisted Village Program is one of FBS’s visions in developing education through services to the wider community. The hope is that the community at large through the Village can improve and develop the potential of the village to become a more advanced and superior village. One of the progress that will be made is to create a village profile. This was of course based on an assessment that had been carried out previously in Tejakula Village. Discussions started from discussing team formation, collecting documents, carrying out observations, interviews with village officials, carrying out village potential analysis, carrying out focus group discussions (FGD), making video profiles, to dissemination to village officials and community leaders in Tejakula Village which was one of the one village assisted by FBS Undiksha.
No less important, improvements to the AQAS form for the Balinese Language Education Study Program as well as discussions about the development of national accreditation are of concern in this discussion. This is the Faculty’s commitment to improving standardization quality nationally and internationally through accreditation. The promotion of study programs is also a hot issue being discussed. Several strategies will be implemented to meet the capacity that has been determined. This activity, which is always carried out in the FBS Dean’s room, was attended by the leadership of the Dean, KTU, and the Faculty Treasurer on Monday, March 5, 2024. Through this Ngopi Bareng activity, it is hoped that it can become a forum for solving existing problems quickly and precisely and preparing programs to work according to expectations. This is a form of FBS leadership’s commitment to addressing various issues in a friendly atmosphere. (fbs)