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April 22, 2022
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April 22, 2022Singaraja-Feelings of insecurity must have been experienced by everyone. This feeling can trigger negative things in yourself, such as stress. Of course, no one wants that to happen. The desired life can grow positively. This is the concern of the Department of Foreign Languages, Faculty of Languages ??and Arts, Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha. The Foreign Language Department, which consists of three study programmes, provided a space to share tips on anticipating prolonged insecurity through a national webinar entitled “self-love” Sunday (17/10/2021).
This webinar with hundreds of participants presented two resource persons, namely Jero Jemiwi, a life coach and mentor, and Ni Putu Ayu Niya Loviyani, the Indonesian Youth Ambassador for Bali Province 2020, as a student of the Foreign Language Department. This activity was opened by the Dean of Faculty of Languages ??and Arts, Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha, Prof. Dr. I Made Sutama, M.Pd. He said that as humans, we are often faced with insecurities. Sometimes the cause of this occurrence is unknown, including the unknown solution. To get out of that circle, it is necessary to be positive thinking that is supported by self-love. “How to make us feel safe again, of course, will be obtained through this webinar,” he said.
Prof. Dr. I Made Sutama, M.Pd. expressed his appreciation for the willingness of resource persons to share tips or knowledge with the participants, some of whom are students who are pretty vulnerable to feeling insecure in life. “We hope this webinar can benefit the participants,” he added.
Paparan materi diawali oleh Jero Jemiwi. Perempuan yang sempat bergelut sebagai pramugari ini menyampaikan kehadiran masalah Jero Jemiwi started the presentation of the material. The woman who had struggled as a flight attendant said that the presence of problems could trigger feelings of insecurity in a person. The problem could come from various aspects, such as the family environment, association, etc. She explained that at least five areas in life cause self-insecurity. First is the physical area, where someone sometimes feels that they have a physical that is not as perfect as other people. Second, emotional problems, when someone feels angry about various things. Third, financial, namely the existence of economic difficulties. Fourth, bad relationships with close people. And fifth, the heart feels empty, making life feel empty and meaningless. He asked someone to get up and be able to get out of that area. “We have to love ourselves. What we can do, is turn up the volume of love. Like a glass, if it contains coffee, which is considered to represent negative emotions, we must clean it. It must be rubbed. After it is clean, then it can be filled with water again in the form of love and trust,” he said. “We have to give ourselves to think positively and think to be secure and always do self-improvement and self-transformation,” she added.
Not much different from the tips shared by resource person Niya Loviyani. There needs to be a change of mind to get out of insecurity, namely, understanding yourself, accepting what is, and being grateful for what is. In addition, do not forget always to thank yourself and commit to becoming a better person.
Something is interesting about this webinar. The best participants have the opportunity to get five self-love vouchers from resource persons. In addition, at the end of the session, participants were also invited to practice self-love techniques. (hms)