Online Judiciary for the Faculty of Languages ??and Arts is Held Again
March 13, 2024
“First Time” Online Judiciary of the Faculty of Languages ??and Arts in the Midst of the Covid Pandemic
March 13, 2024Singaraja, FBS – Freedom to Learn – Independent Campus is the policy of the Minister of Education and Culture, which aims to encourage students to master various knowledge that is useful for entering the world of work. Independent Campus provides the opportunity for students to choose the courses they will take. The Independent Learning – Independent Campus policy is in accordance with Minister of Education and Culture Regulation Number 3 of 2020 concerning National Higher Education Standards.
In line with this policy, FBS under the Dean Prof. Dr. I Made Sutama, M.Pd, along with the assistant deans, held a curriculum restructuring workshop, on Tuesday, July 14, 2020, at the Nitisastra Room.
Prior to this activity, a series of discussions and deliberations had been held at the study program level by forming a restructuring team consisting of the chairman, department secretary, study program coordinator, and a deputy lecturer. The results of discussions at the study program level are presented and discussed in a workshop to reach a joint decision at the faculty level.
This event was opened by L3M Secretary, Dr. I Gusti Lanang Agung Parwata, S.Pd., M.Kes. In his speech and direction, Undiksha’s readiness and commitment to making the Merdeka Merdeka Belajar Campus a success were explained.
The results of this workshop were followed up with the preparation of a draft at the study program level which was monitored by the Assistant Dean I. It was agreed that the draft would be collected on July 17, and then reviewed by the Undiksha curriculum team.(fbs)