The Department of Indonesian and Regional Language and Literature held a National Seminar entitled Disruption of Language, Literature and Creative Industries: Towards Indonesia’s Golden Generation Through Education 4.0
March 7, 2024
IMBASADI 2021, Balinese Language Education Students Make Undiksha the Overall Champion
March 7, 2024Singaraja– Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha (Undiksha) again received sweet gifts from students in the form of achievements. This time it was presented by two students from the Faculty of Language and Arts (FBS) from the 2021 Bali Province Language Ambassador event. They are Gilang Aditya Oka Pratama from the D3 English Language Study Program who won second place and Dwi Bayu Mustika from the Indonesian Language Education Study Program third place.
This annual event lasts for approximately one month starting with three selection stages and the grand final which took place at Dharma Negara Alaya Denpasar, on June 9, 2021. Gilang said 130 participants took part in the event. Seeing the very tight competition, he tried to prepare himself as much as possible, both materially, physically, and mentally. It also has to go through several processes, starting from
the assessment of argumentative essays, presentations, debates, focused group discussions, in-depth interviews, talent performances, foreign language proficiency tests, regional language proficiency tests, and Indonesian language proficiency tests. His struggle paid off by becoming a champion. “At first I didn’t think so because all the finalists are great people, and I happen to be the youngest finalist in the class of 2021,” he said when confirmed, on Thursday (10/6/2021).
This achievement did not immediately make him self-satisfied. Rather, it is a motivation to continue to hone your skills and contribute to realizing the language mission together with other language ambassadors. “After taking part in this event, I will focus first on carrying out my duties as a language ambassador, and if given another chance, I would like to try to take part in even higher events, such as at the international level,” he said.
He further stated that his participation in this event was none other than because he wanted to promote the spirit of literacy in the community. This is because the literacy level, especially of the younger generation, is still very low. “This is what encouraged me to create a vision regarding language, literature, and literacy. “By taking part in this event, I want to make a real contribution together with all members of the Language Ambassadors association, and realize all our missions related to language, literature, and literacy to society, especially the younger generation,” added this second-semester student.
Deputy Chancellor for Student Affairs, Alumni and Public Relations Undiksha, Prof. Dr. I Wayan Suastra, M.Pd., expressed his appreciation for this achievement because it contributed to increasing the competitiveness of universities and specifically in the Student Ranking Information System every year. “Even in a pandemic atmosphere, students’ enthusiasm for competing remains high and they can make achievements. “We certainly really appreciate this,” he said.
It is hoped that this achievement can be followed by other achievements. Likewise, students can appear more and more in competitions. “Undiksha continues to strive to improve its achievements. “This requires support from students,” he added. (hms)