Peer Review Process

The organizing committee of ICLAAC operates a double-blind reviewing policy in which both the reviewer and author identities are concealed. Authors should present their papers honestly without fabrication, falsification, plagiarism or inappropriate data manipulation. Submitted papers are evaluated for contribution, originality, relevance, and presentation. Papers will be sent for anonymous review by at least two reviewers who will either be members of the Editorial proceeding committee or others of similar standing in the field. The decision regarding acceptance of a paper is final and no correspondence can be entered into concerning manuscripts considered unsuitable for publication in the proceeding. All correspondence, including notification of acceptance decision and requests for revisions, will be sent by email.

The submissions are rated using the following criteria.

  1. The title is appropriate, concise, and clear.
  2. The abstract accurately represents the article.
  3. The author's goals are clear and well-justified.
  4. The author employs appropriate citations.
  5. The references are sufficient.
  6. Every component is complete and relevant.
  7. The article is of sufficient length (consult the article template).
  8. All of the statements are clear.
  9. The article makes a significant contribution to the advancement of theories and/or practices in the field.